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Postdoc in Agriculture and allied fields at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad-PhD Agriculture and allied sciences-Apply

Organization University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
Type of Position Postdoc
No. of Posts
Last Date 10.01.16
Education Requirement PhD in Agriculture and allied sciences or related areas
Country India

Description & Details:  The Scheme for Post Doctoral Fellows provides research funding to young scientists to undertake independent research of innovative / commercializable / patentable nature in emerging and frontier areas of Agriculture and allied fields. The scheme is meant to persue innovative ideas and provide platform to undertake independent research. The details of the scheme are as follows.


  1. To provide research support to young scientists for pursuing exciting and innovative research ideas.
  2. To provide opportunities for freshly passed out meritorious Doctoral candidates for temporary employment.
  3. Involve innovative young scientists in Agriculture Technologies development process/Basic/ Strategic research.


  1. The Scheme is open to Ph.D. graduates.
  2. The applicant should not possess any regular employment.

Funding and its operation:

  1. The budget will be completely administered by the Dean (PGS) UAS, Dharwad.
  2. The proposals shall be screened and approved by a committee headed by Vice Chancellor as Chairman and Director of Education, Director of Research, Director of Extension, Head of Department of concerned department as members, Dean (PGS) as member convenor to decide funding.
  3. The selected candidate will be paid a monthly fellowship of Rs.35,000.
  4. Contingency grant shall be provided for equipment, consumables, travel, analytical charges and contingencies, etc.,
  5. There is no provision for providing support to any category of research staff, skilled helper/Labour/Field Assistant.
  6. All the correspondence shall be routed through Dean (PGS), UAS, Dharwad.
  7. The Assistant Comptroller, Office of the Dean (PGS), shall be the drawing officer for the research grants.
  8. Any IP issues emerging out of the Post Doctoral research shall be the property of UAS, Dharwad.
  9. The decision of the University shall be final in all matters.

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How to Apply / Contact:  Apply Online