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Postdoc in protein at Benaroya Research Institute, USA-PhD immunology or cellular biology-Apply

Organization Benaroya Research Institute, USA
Type of Position Postdoc
No. of Posts 01
Last Date 01.05.16
Education Requirement PhD in immunology or cellular biology or related areas
Country USA

Description & Details:  The Postdoctoral Research Associate will be responsible for designing and performing experiments as well as complex data analysis and communication of results in presentations, publications and grants. Studies will focus on the response of human lymphocytes to both foreign and self antigens in health and disease, with a focus on better understanding mechanisms that underlie autoimmunity.


Qualifications: This position requires PhD level training in immunology or cellular biology.  Skills required include utilization of tissue culture, molecular biology techniques and experience with flow cytometry.  Desire to be involved in translational immunology required.


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How to Apply / Contact:  Apply Online