Postdoc in Pathogen Genomics at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute -PhD Microbiology, Microbial bioinformatics-Apply

Organization Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Type of Position Postdoc
No. of Posts 01
Last Date 31.12.15
Education Requirement PhD in Microbiology, Microbial bioinformatics or related areas
Country UK

Description & Details:  The Pathogen Genomics Group at the Sanger Institute are collaborating with the National Collection of Type Cultures and Pacific Biosciences on a Wellcome Trust-funded project to generate reference genomes for 3,000 bacterial and 500 viral type cultures from their collections. The genomes are being sequenced using PacBio technology, and will be assembled, annotated, and integrated with the NCTC databases, in addition to being publicly released to NCBI and EMBL. The intention is to create an integrated database linking reference cultures and reference genomes across this medically important collection.


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How to Apply / Contact:  Apply Online
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