Postdoc in Neuroplasticity and Memory at Aarhus University -PhD biological, biochemical or biomedical sciences-Apply

Organization Aarhus University
Type of Position Postdoc
No. of Posts 01
Last Date 10.01.16
Education Requirement PhD in biological, biochemical or biomedical sciences or related areas
Country Denmark

Description & Details:  The Nabavi lab at the Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience – DANDRITE is seeking highly motivated and ambitious postdoctoral candidates to investigate the cellular mechanisms of memory consolidation, including the role of neuromodulators, in rodents (WT and transgenics). This follows our recent work where we established the causative role of Long Term Potentiation and Long Term Depression in memory formation (Nabavi et al., 2014, Nature). We use a range of techniques from in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology and imaging to molecular biology, optogenetics and behavioral analysis (see further description here). We are funded by the ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council, which gives our project long term security and excellent prospect for development. The position is fully funded and is offered for an initial term of two years, with the possibility of prolongation.


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How to Apply / Contact:  Apply Online
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