Postdoc in physiological roles of globin proteins at Aarhus University -PhD Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry-Apply

Organization Aarhus University
Type of Position Postdoc
No. of Posts 01
Last Date 07.05.16
Education Requirement PhD in Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or related areas
Country Denmark

Description & Details:  Applications are invited for a 1-year postdoctoral position at the section of Zoophysiology, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark, to take part to a research project on the functional (i.e. enzymatic and oxygen-binding) properties and physiological roles of globin proteins in animal species, to work with Prof. Angela Fago and in collaboration with Dr. Jay F. Storz, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. A major focus of the project is the study of biochemical properties of globin proteins (native and recombinant) in species adapted to high-altitudes and their evolutionary adaptive significance.

Applicants must have a PhD in Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or a related field. The ideal candidate will have experience in protein biochemistry techniques (including purification, gel electrophoresis, spectroscopy) and a solid publication record. The project requires a good understanding of the interactions between protein structure, function and physiology. Knowledge of computational data analysis for the determination of thermodynamic and kinetic constants will be an advantage. For further information please contact


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